To be considered for the Student Representative or Alternate Student Representative position, one must be a full-time student in good standing in a speech-language pathology or audiology program in Pennsylvania. Students must be matriculating in a program terminating in a master’s or doctoral degree in speech-language pathology or audiology. Nominees for this position must be student members of PSHA.
The Student Representative is expected to advocate on behalf of students in Pennsylvania speech-language pathology, audiology and education of the hearing impaired programs, and provide input and feedback to the Executive Board (EB) regarding PSHA initiatives, policies and activities. The Alternate Student Representative will assist the Student Representative in these roles and serve in the role of Student Representative if the existing Student Representative is unable to attend meetings and/or carry out student related activities.
The Student Representative will:
The Student Representative and Alternate Student Representative shall serve a one-year term, July 1 – June 30. The Student Representative and Alternate Student Representative may run for multiple terms, as long as s/he remains a full-time student. In order to serve multiple terms at each position (or to transition from Alternate Student Representative to Student Representative) individuals must re-apply for each term office.
Applications and documentation as outlined above shall be submitted to the PSHA Board by April 1.
The Executive Board shall select and appoint the Student Representative and Alternate Student Representative by May 15 for the term beginning July 1. All candidates for both positions will be selected using the criteria established for the Student Representative position.
Applicants must submit the following:
The Student Representative will have a small budget to enable him/her to make on-site visits to other campuses and meet with students at those institutions, and engage in other approved activities. Expenses involved in travel to EB will be reimbursed in accordance with Association guidelines. Mentoring is available to the Student Representative from the Past President, who will have primary responsibility in this regard.
Submit Information to:
Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association
700 McKnight Park Drive, Suite 708
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Questions may be addressed to: