Student Awards

Over the past year, PSHA has made it a priority to increase student involvement in the organization. Specifically, the organization sought to increase student attendance at the 2005 PSHA Convention and showcase the many accomplishments of students across the state.

As a result of student input, the Chapter Honors was created to recognize student accomplishments and to help offset the cost of attending the PSHA Convention.

Chapter Honors

The Chapter Honors is awarded to a NSSLHA chapter that has shown community service to the community, profession and organization through community service, chapter outreach, innovative ideas and/or fundraising efforts. The NSSLHA chapter awarded the Chapter Honors will receive $100 to support student attendance at the upcoming PSHA Convention. The chapter that wins this award will be notified prior to the registration deadline for the upcoming convention.

Click here for procedures and forms to apply for the 2025 Student Award

Past Award Recipients

Chapter Honors

2024 – Misericordia University
2023 – Marywood University
2022 – Marywood University
2021 – Penn State University
2020 – Marywood University and Misericordia University
2019 – Misericordia University
2018 – Misericordia University
2017 – Misericordia University
2016 – Misericordia University
2015 – Misericordia University
2014 – University of Pittsburgh
2013 – Bloomsburg University
2012 – Misericordia University
2011 – Misericordia University
2010 – Bloomsburg University
2009 – Bloomsburg University
2008 – Bloomsburg University
2007 – Bloomsburg University
2006 – Bloomsburg University
2005 – Indiana University of PA

Von Drach Memorial Scholarship

The Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association (PSHA) established the Von Drach Memorial Scholarship in memory of Dr. Robert Von Drach and in recognition of his dedication and years of service to the profession. The scholarship is awarded annually to a qualified student who is enrolled full-time in an entry level academic degree for professional level certification candidacy in speech-language pathology, audiology, or education of the hearing impaired within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This year a $1,000 scholarship will be awarded. All qualified students are encouraged to apply. Please adhere to the application guidelines below.

The deadline for applications is in February.


  1. The nominee shall be a full-time student in an entry level academic degree program for professional level certification candidacy in speech-language pathology, audiology or education of the hearing impaired within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  2. The nominee shall be a student member of PSHA.
  3. The nominee shall have a minimum grade point average of 3.25 and have completed at least nine semester credit hours of the program.
  4. The nominee shall have demonstrated (a) a desire to grow professionally, (b) participation in professional activities, and (c) leadership qualities within departmental/community activities (e.g., committee or organization membership such as NSSHLA or volunteered time in professional events).

Nominees will:

  1. Complete and submit an Application Cover Page with the required documents.
  2. Submit a letter of application providing a description of how the Nominee Guidelines listed above are met.
  3. Submit two letters of recommendation from individuals who can write in support of the nominee’s professional organization and academic standing.
  4. Submit transcripts (official or unofficial) from the college or university that the nominee is currently attending. (Nine semester credit hours must have been completed prior to application.)

Application materials should be mailed collectively in one (large) envelope to:

Von Drach Memorial Scholarship
PSHA Office
700 McKnight Park Drive, Suite 708,
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Applications must be postmarked by to Friday, February 14, 2025.
Please do not FAX application materials.

The Scholarship Selection Committee shall be made up of a panel of five professionals in the field of speech-language pathology, audiology and/or education of the hearing impaired who can serve as impartial judges (i.e., who are not affiliated with the training program of any nominee.)

The Von Drach Memorial Scholarship recipient will be selected based on the applicants’ letter of application, academic performance and letters of recommendation, not financial need. Applicants will be notified of the Scholarship Selection Committee’s decision in writing in March.

The Von Drach Memorial Scholarship recipient will be invited to the Awards Ceremony during the Annual Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, where he/she will be recognized and presented with a $1,000 check.

If you have questions, please contact: PSHA Office at or 412-366-9858.