Research Surveys

PSHA is pleased to inform members of this/these opportunity/opportunities to participate in research. An overview of the purpose of the research, the requirements for the participants, and the contact information for the author(s) is included for the study/each of the studies. Please note that the authors have secured the appropriate approvals from Institutional Research Boards (IRBs) and other relevant entities for the conduct of their studies. PSHA supports scholarly work to advance our informational base about normal and non-normal communication, as well as clinical service delivery issues.

U.S. International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation (IDDSI) Initiative Reference Group (USIRG) Survey

The Education and Training team of the U.S. International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Reference Group (USIRG) encourages you to complete a new anonymous survey found at this link:

This 5-minute survey seeks to determine how much IDDSI implementation has occurred across the U.S. We urge you to complete it regardless of your current status in the implementation process. We want to hear from all of you—those who have not started yet, those who have completed implementation, and everyone in between!


Remember you have a wealth of IDDSI resources available on the USIRG page:

Participants Needed for Pediatric Neuropsychological Research

If you are a healthcare provider who works with children and/or adolescents, I invite you to participate in a research study called: “Health Service Providers’ Perceptions of a Modified Pediatric Neuropsychological Report.” I am a graduate student, and this research is being conducted as part of my dissertation. This study has received approval from Widener University’s IRB.

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine pediatric health service providers’ perceptions of pediatric neuropsychological reports to improve report usefulness for all report consumers. Historically, reports can be long, detailed and full of jargon. This can make it hard to find important information, understand the conclusions, or know exactly what recommendations are the most relevant. Your perceptions will help us make changes to report writing that will aid communication and make it easier for providers to use the information to help their clients and patients.

Procedures: The following online survey is through Qualtrics. You will be asked to read one fictional pediatric neuropsychological report and provide your opinion of the report via a survey and qualitative comments. No identifiable information will be asked of you besides basic demographic questions. Survey responses will be anonymous. Once complete, the electronic survey will be stored automatically for further review and analysis.

The expected time to complete this survey is about 20-30 minutes. Your participation is entirely voluntary; however, by completing this survey, you agree to participate in this research. You may refuse to answer any question, or terminate your participation at any time by exiting out of the survey. Upon completion of the survey you will be eligible to enter a raffle for a $25 gift card. If you agree to participate in this research, please use the following link:

Let’s Talk Tech: Wireless Technology Survey for Providers!

Audience: Actively practicing occupational, physical, or speech therapists or assistants, audiologists, assistive technology professionals, vocational rehabilitation counselors, or other health or social service providers in the U.S. 

Research Subject: Understanding therapy and assistive technology providers’ experience delivering interventions that incorporate clients’ use of mainstream technology.  

Brief Description: We are with the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology. The IRB approved research “Voice of the Providers on Wireless Technology Survey,” aims to understand therapy and assistive technology providers’ experience delivering interventions that incorporate clients’ use of mainstream technology (MT), like smartphones, smart home tech, and wearables into interventions. If you qualify for this research, you’ll complete a 15–30-minute online survey covering demographic information, experience with MT interventions, barriers, facilitators, and education needs.  

Survey Link:

SLPs! Share your wealth of knowledge!

Posted April 29, 2024

We are educators from Penn State who want to talk with you about:

  • Your ideas
  • Your feelings
  • Your experiences

with special education for speech, language and reading problems.

Our goal is to learn about your experiences with special education evaluations and reports. 

You know a lot about this, and we need your input!

The interview will be recorded on Zoom. 

It will take about an hour. 


Participants will be compensated with a $35 gift card.

You must be age 18 or older, have internet access, and feel comfortable having a conversation in English.

If you would like to learn more, send email to Carol Miller  or call 814-865-6213