Act 48 Conversions

ACT 48 Hours

Converting ASHA Hours into ACT 48 Hours
PSHA has been approved to convert attendance to workshops that offer ASHA CEUs into Act 48 hours. All eligible workshops must meet the PDE requirements by relating to the attainment of the K-12 academic standards. Ways to do so:

  • ASHA Convention attendance
  • ASHA Approved CEU workshops

PSHA recently increased the rates for these conversions. This is the first increase since PSHA started offering conversions in 2006.

As a PSHA member, you will continue to be able to convert your ASHA CEUs at a member rate that is substantially lower than the non-member rate.

The increase is now in effect and the old rates will no longer be accepted beyond August 10, 2017.

To have your ASHA CEUs converted, complete the ASHA CEU/Act 48 Conversion Form.

PSHA Can Provide ASHA CEUs and ACT 48 Hours for Your CE Event.

PSHA can provide continuing education credit for events looking to receive either ASHA or ACT 48 hours. For your event, you will need to read the Sponsorship Guidelines and complete the Program Planner Disclosure and CE Activity Approval Worksheet: